Tuesday, January 22, 2008

a cure for what!? ails you

currently in bed with the croup, or at least that's what I've diagnosed it as. not having health insurance means becoming your own doctor with a degree from the world wide web. well, given my difficulty breathing and my barking seal of a cough, I have decided it must be laryngotracheobronchitis, then again, I am not between the ages of 3 months and 3 years, so maybe, it is something else...

I have deduced that I am suffering from a lower respiratory infection, rather than the more common upper respiratory variety. I also think it's more likely that the infection is in my bronchial tubes, than in my lungs, meaning I most likely have bronchitis and not pneumonia. according to web md, I should seek medical attention immediately. I think I'll just lay in bed and let bob ross soothe me with his landscapes. it's nothing a diet of generic drugs and green tea can't cure.

okay, I definitely have acute bronchitis, which is not to be confused with chronic bronchitis. no I did not get a chest x-ray, I simply did my research. the good news is that I'm not going to die, the bad news is that it generally takes several weeks, if not months, to clear up. so swollen bronchial tubes, excessive mucus, wheezing, difficulty breathing, hoarseness and a general state of pain and discomfort until march?, at least it's not SARS, or is it?...

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